Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Use Proverbs
Use medicine as well as prayers.
Hindi Proverb
Don't use a lot where a little will do.
American Proverb
They use a wedge to knock out a wedge.
Russian Proverb
Do not use words that are too big for your mouth.
Persian Proverb
The eyes are of little use if the mind be blind.
Arabic Proverb
Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it.
English Proverb
Others will measure you with the same rod you use to measure them.
Brazilian Proverb
Keep a thing seven years and you'll always find a use for it.
Irish Proverb
There is no use in carrying an umbrella if your shoes are leaking.
Irish Proverb
Never use a dwarf to measure the depth of the water.
Hindi Proverb
It is little use to dig a well after the house has caught fire.
Hindi Proverb
When you go to buy, use your eyes, not your ears.
Czech Proverb
Make the amount of sauce you use correspond to the amount of rice you have.
Vietnamese Proverb
If you want to travel fast use the old roads.
Vietnamese Proverb
Bashfulness is of no use to the needy.
Dutch Proverb
Don't make use of another's mouth unless it has been lent to you.
Belgian Proverb
It is no use waiting for your ship to come in unless you have sent one out.
Belgian Proverb
Everything wears away from use.
Mexican Proverb
Do use a needle in time, or you might need an axe later.
Myanmar Proverb
If you don't have a brain, join the army; if you don't have rice, use beans instead.
Myanmar Proverb
Sorrow is like rice in an attic: you use a little every day and at the end it is all gone.
Madagascan Proverb
Don't use an axe to do embroidery.
Malawi Proverb