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Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
American Proverb
He that speaks ill of the mare would buy her.
English Proverb
Buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest.
English Proverb
He that blames would buy.
English Proverb
Fools build houses, and wise men buy them.
English Proverb
If you buy cheap meat, you'll smell what you have saved when it boils.
Arabic Proverb
Do not buy either the moon or the news, for in the end they will both come out.
Arabic Proverb
If you buy cheap meat, when it boils you smell what you have saved.
Arabic Proverb
Don't send an old man to buy a donkey, nor a young man to woo a wife.
Arabic Proverb
He who will not take cheap advice, will have to buy dear repentance.
Danish Proverb
He who would buy sausage of a dog must give him bacon in exchange.
Danish Proverb
Fools build houses, wise men buy them.
German Proverb
He that finds fault wants to buy.
German Proverb
A Tyrone woman will never buy a rabbit without a head for fear it's a cat.
Irish Proverb
Woe to being a housewife/househusband, you buy one thing, you don't have two others.
Persian Proverb
Buy your greyhound, don't rear him.
Portuguese Proverb
One may buy gold too dear.
Italian Proverb
He who buys the broom can also buy the handle.
Italian Proverb
He has sold the sun to buy a candle.
Jewish Proverb
Never buy a pig in a poke.
Romanian Proverb
Many buy the bearskin before the bear is shot.
Swedish Proverb
If you buy what you don't need, you steal from yourself.
Swedish Proverb