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Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey.
American Proverb
He that knows thee will never buy thee.
English Proverb
An inch of gold will not buy an inch of time.
English Proverb
Ask thy purse what thou should'st buy.
Arabic Proverb
One white foot, buy him; two white feet, try him; three white feet, look well about him; four white feet, go without him.
German Proverb
Never buy bread from a butcher.
Irish Proverb
if one disdains, one wants to buy.
Portuguese Proverb
To loan is to buy troubles.
Hindi Proverb
To lend is to buy a quarrel.
Hindi Proverb
Buy what you have no need of and ere long you shall sell your necessaries.
Italian Proverb
Buy the bed of a great debtor.
Italian Proverb
It is good to buy when another wants to sell.
Italian Proverb
Gold does not buy everything.
Italian Proverb
If you want to buy love, love itself is the price you'll have to pay.
Italian Proverb
Do not buy with your ears, but with your eyes.
Czech Proverb
He who has not been given brains from above will not buy them at the apothecary.
Czech Proverb
A friend you have to buy; enemies you get for nothing.
Jewish Proverb
He could not earn enough to buy even cold water.
Hungarian Proverb
Beetles that roll balls out of human faeces demand to be hidden away from the rich man, because there is nothing he wouldn't buy.
Nigerian Proverb
If a child is not well-behaved, she is not sent by the mother to go alone to the market to buy things for her.
Nigerian Proverb
You can't buy heaven with money.
Maltese Proverb
You don't buy a cat in a bag.
Haitian Proverb