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Pot Proverbs - page 4
The little pot is soonest hot.
Chinese Proverb
You cannot cook two meals in the same pot.
Chinese Proverb
If you sit with us, you will get like us; if you sit beside a cooking pot, you will get black.
Afghan Proverb
A barren woman is like a leaking pot.
African Proverb
A patient dually determined can fill a pot with water using a fingernail.
African Proverb
Society is like a pot it can't carry water when its broken.
African Proverb
It is a surprise that the cock should hold a grudge against the pot, instead of the knife that killed it.
African Proverb
The partridge loves peas, but not those that go into the pot with it.
African Proverb
Even the best cooking pot will not produce food.
African Proverb
Never dump your old pot just because you have bought a new one.
African Proverb
It is difficult to throw a stone at a lizard which is clinging to a pot.
African Proverb
There's a pot gold at the end of the rainbow.
American Proverb
The busy man has few idle visitors: to the boiling pot the flies come not.
American Proverb
Nor pot to piss in.
English Proverb
A little pot is easily hot.
English Proverb
O! my brother Flip the pot on its mouth, the daughters turn into their mums.
Arabic Proverb
The pot boils best on your own hearth.
Danish Proverb
The day is never so holy that the pot refuses to boil.
Danish Proverb
Every one rakes the fire under his own pot.
Danish Proverb
The pot calls the kettle black.
Danish Proverb
The earthen pan gains nothing by contact with the copper pot.
Danish Proverb
If you heat an empty pot it bursts.
German Proverb