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Pot Proverbs - page 3
To want the last from the pot.
Dutch Proverb
Like pot, like cover.
Dutch Proverb
A little pot is soon hot.
Dutch Proverb
One penny in the pot makes more noise than when it is full.
Dutch Proverb
The pot upbraids the kettle that it is black.
Dutch Proverb
You may call me even a pot, just don't put me into the oven.
Russian Proverb
Call a pot, just don't put into the oven.
Russian Proverb
Abbot of Carcuela, you eat up the pot and ask for the pipkin.
Spanish Proverb
The pot of water falls from your head when you have just reached the door of your homestead.
Acholi Proverb
Wine from a pot is better than water from a well.
Yugoslav Proverb
Flies can't fall in a tight-closed pot.
African American Proverb
A pot trader whose fortunes are all invested in her clay pots isn't much of a merchant.
Ibo Proverb
If you watch your pot, your food will not burn.
Niger Proverb
When you go to fetch water and do not return, they do not inquire about the pot.
Oji Proverb
A pan was mocking a pot because his mouth is big.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
The partridge loves peas, but not those that go into the pot with it.
Wolof Proverb
The pot telling the kettle it black.
Bajan Proverb
The cooking pot on the fire leaks, when pouring water it is broken.
Bajan Proverb
Pot calling the kettle black.
Canadian Proverb
You cannot get a quart into a pint pot.
Darkovan Proverb
He who asks for salt does so for his own cooking pot.
Swahili Proverb
A brother is a cooking pot, and a neighbour is a cooking pot lid.
Swahili Proverb