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Fortune Proverbs - page 4
Fortune makes friends; misfortune tries them.
American Proverb
Fortune never comes with both hands full.
American Proverb
Change of fortune hurts a wise man no more that a change of the moon.
American Proverb
Fortune can take away riches but not courage.
American Proverb
Fortune is like price: if you can wait long enough, the price will fall.
American Proverb
A man's best fortune or his worst is a wife.
English Proverb
He that hath no ill fortune is troubled with good.
English Proverb
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
English Proverb
Не dances well to whom fortune pipes.
English Proverb
Fortune is with you for an hour, and against you for ten.
Arabic Proverb
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
Danish Proverb
Fortune often knocks at the door, but the fool does not invite her in.
Danish Proverb
Fortune rarely brings good or evil singly.
Danish Proverb
It is easy to manage when fortune favors.
Danish Proverb
As fortune is sought, so it is found.
German Proverb
Whatever is given to the poor, is laid out of the reach of fortune.
German Proverb
In bad fortune hold out, in good hold in.
German Proverb
Fortune is like women: loves youth and is fickle.
German Proverb
Industry is the parent of fortune.
German Proverb
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
Persian Proverb
All the world will beat the man whom fortune buffets.
Portuguese Proverb
Fortune goes like a wheel.
Polish Proverb