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Fortune Proverbs - page 3
Fortune is a woman; if you neglect her today do not expect to regain her tomorrow.
French Proverb
Fortune is blind, but not invisible.
French Proverb
Fortune and misfortune live in the same courtyard.
Russian Proverb
Good fortune wears a pretty dress but its underclothes do not bear investigation.
Russian Proverb
God grant you good fortune, my son, for knowledge avails you little.
Spanish Proverb
A good heart breaks bad fortune.
Spanish Proverb
Her father's fortune will make the ugliest girl attractive.
Spanish Proverb
Fortune is like a wall that falls on those who lean on it.
Mexican Proverb
Speedy exception is the mother of good fortune.
Traditional Proverb
Merit is often an obstacle to fortune; the reason is it produces two bad effects, envy and fear.
Traditional Proverb
The blindnes of that one is his good fortune.
Swahili Proverb
Once you have made a fortune, know how to spend it.
Japanese Proverb
A great fortune depends on luck, a small one on diligence.
Chinese Proverb
When good fortune finally comes, no one can ever stop it.
Chinese Proverb
What first appears as a calamity may later bring good fortune.
Chinese Proverb
To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend by writing his name on the wings of a dragon.
Chinese Proverb
Fortune has a fickle heart and a short memory.
Chinese Proverb
A man's fortune must first be changed from within.
Chinese Proverb
He who burns down his house knows why ashes cost a fortune.
African Proverb
A great fortune is a great servitude.
American Proverb
When fortune knocks, open the door.
American Proverb
One man's folly is another man's fortune.
American Proverb