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Fortune Proverbs
Fortune favours the brave.
English Proverb
The stupid fear fortune, the wise endure it.
Latin Proverb
After bad luck comes good fortune.
Gypsy Proverb
When your fortune improves, the columns of your house appear to be crooked.
Armenian Proverb
Affairs sleep soundly when fortune is present.
Greek Proverb
Wind and fortune are not lasting.
Portuguese Proverb
Change yourself, and fortune will change with you.
Portuguese Proverb
Fortune is a giver and a taker.
Polish Proverb
Who changes his condition changes fortune.
Italian Proverb
Don't put your trust in Fortune until you are in heaven.
Filipino Proverb
Fortune will call at the smiling gate.
Japanese Proverb
He who runs after good fortune runs away from peace.
African Proverb
If you have no enemies it is a sign that fortune has forgotten you.
English Proverb
Fortune is weary to carry one and the same man always.
English Proverb
Fortune is blind.
English Proverb
Discord between the powerful is a fortune for the poor.
Arabic Proverb
Fortune give many too much, but no one enough.
German Proverb
Fortune gives her hand to a bold man.
German Proverb
When fortune knocks, open the door.
German Proverb
Women, fortune, and gold, favor fools.
German Proverb
He who has the fortune brings home the bride.
German Proverb
Whom fortune favors, the world favors.
German Proverb