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Honey Proverbs - page 3
August rain brings oil, honey and must.
Sicilian Proverb
Honey is often bitter.
Sicilian Proverb
Where there is honey, there are bound to be ants.
South African Proverb
He that hath no honey in his pot, let him have it in his mouth.
Dutch Proverb
Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
Dutch Proverb
More flies are taken with a drop of honey than a tun of vinegar.
Dutch Proverb
A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
Dutch Proverb
He buys honey dear who has to lick it off thorns.
Dutch Proverb
Every bee's honey is sweet.
French Proverb
Honey is not for asses.
French Proverb
He that has not money in his purse should have honey in his mouth.
French Proverb
Until you have smoked out the bees, you can't eat the honey.
Russian Proverb
Whoever wants honey must breed bees.
Russian Proverb
He that stirs honey will have some of it stick to him.
Spanish Proverb
His bread fell into the honey.
Spanish Proverb
Honey was not made for the mouth of the ass.
Spanish Proverb
A little gall embitters much honey.
Spanish Proverb
Where bees are, there is honey.
Latin Proverb
Honey catches most flies.
Latin Proverb
Honey cloys.
Latin Proverb
Even if your bee-hive has no honey in it, you shouldn't break it up.
Lamba Proverb
Where there is no honey, we have to make do with treacle.
Asian-indian Proverb