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Honey Proverbs - page 2
He who dips his finger into honey does not dip it once.
Swahili Proverb
Honey is bitter for a sore mouth.
Basque Proverb
Vinegar that is free, is sweeter than honey.
Afghan Proverb
Donated vinegar is sweeter than honey.
Afghan Proverb
If you want to know how long a man's tongue is, let him use his mouth to lick honey from a plate.
African Proverb
A man doesn't escape from bees with a lump of honey in his hand.
African Proverb
Similar to a bee: in their mouths they carry sweet honey, and in their tails poison.
Arabic Proverb
He who makes himself honey, will be eaten by the flies.
German Proverb
It is dear honey that must be licked off thorns.
German Proverb
Why would you use poison if you can kill with honey.
Bosnian Proverb
If all the bees made honey, there would be enough for even gypsies to eat.
Greek Proverb
A little gall spoils much honey.
Portuguese Proverb
To sell honey to one who keeps hives.
Portuguese Proverb
Michael, Michael, you have no bees, and yet you sell honey.
Portuguese Proverb
Mouth of honey, heart of gall.
Portuguese Proverb
It is not by saying, 'honey, honey,' that sweetness comes into the mouth.
Italian Proverb
All the honey a bee gathers during its lifetime doesn't sweeten its sting.
Italian Proverb
Make yourself honey and the flies will eat you.
Italian Proverb
Some will enjoy the honey, others will have to put up with the sting.
Kurdish Proverb
Marriage is a lick of honey and a barrel of bitter.
Maltese Proverb
To a starving man bread is sweeter than honey.
Lithuanian Proverb
Loving a woman who scorns you is like licking honey from a thorn.
Welsh Proverb