Proverbs around the world
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Honey Proverbs
One who handles honey, licks his fingers.
Turkish Proverb
The wise man who does not put his knowledge into practice is like a bee that gives no honey.
Persian Proverb
The bee, from her industry in the summer, eats honey all the winter.
Belgian Proverb
Milk and honey have different colours, but they share the same house peacefully.
African Proverb
He who wants to eat honey should endure the stings.
Lebanese Proverb
The tar of my country is better than the honey of others.
Moroccan Proverb
Friendship is honey - but don't eat it all.
Moroccan Proverb
The bee gets honey from the same flower where the snake sucks her poison.
Armenian Proverb
Flies will easily fly into the honey; their problem is how to get out.
Persian Proverb
Who divides honey with the bear, will be like to get the lesser share..
Italian Proverb
Even honey can taste bitter if it's used as medicine.
Korean Proverb
Bees that hae honey in their mouths hae stings in their tails.
Scottish Proverb
Oil is best at the beginning, honey at the end, and wine in the middle.
Dutch Proverb
The cost is high of the honey that must be licked from thorns.
Dutch Proverb
A spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey.
Russian Proverb
A boy isn't sent to collect the honey.
Kenyan Proverb
If your friend is honey, don't lick it all.
Egyptian Proverb
If your friend is like honey, don't lick all of it.
Egyptian Proverb
If you stab out the eye of thy neighbor cut off two finger and dip them in honey. Cook them in lemon curd and present them to his family in a pigeon pie. If they dine on a full moon his eye will sprout again from it's socket.
Gypsy Proverb
He who touches honey is compelled to lick his fingers.
Moroccan Proverb
If your friend is honey, don't lick him thoroughly.
Tunisian Proverb
If you have honey, don't lick the pot clean.
Yemeni Proverb