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Food Proverbs - page 4
The food that is in the mouth is not yet in the belly.
Bajan Proverb
An abundance of food at your neighbour's will not satisfy your hunger.
Bayaka Proverb
The chicken that digs for food will not sleep hungry.
Bayombe Proverb
The most dangerous food is wedding cake.
Lower Austria Proverb
Food is delicious when one is hungry.
Japanese Proverb
Whatever will satisfy hunger is good food.
Chinese Proverb
The conversation of the wise concerns ideas; that of the intelligent is about ideas; the common folk talk about food.
Chinese Proverb
Enough food and a pipe full of tobacco makes you equal to the immortals.
Chinese Proverb
Your food is supposed to be your medicine and your medicine is supposed to be your food.
African Proverb
The mouth is stupid after eating it forgets who gave it the food.
African Proverb
If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance.
African Proverb
If you see a man in a gown eating with a man in rags, the food belongs to the latter.
African Proverb
You cannot work for food when there is no food for work.
African Proverb
Even the best cooking pot will not produce food.
African Proverb
Food you will not eat you do not boil.
African Proverb
The forest not only hides man's enemies but its full of man's medicine, healing power and food.
African Proverb
The man who counts the bits of food he swallows is never satisfied.
African Proverb
A bad cook also has his/her share of the bad food.
African Proverb
A spider's cobweb isn't only its sleeping spring but also its food trap.
African Proverb
The chicken that digs for food will not sleep hungry.
African Proverb
Water is colourless and tasteless but you can live on it longer than eating food.
African Proverb
Prayer is food for the soul.
American Proverb