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Food Proverbs - page 3
All food is fit to eat, but not all words are fit to speak.
Haitian Proverb
The sweetness of food doesn't last long, but the sweetness of good words do.
Thai Proverb
When you go a fireside an' see food, eat half an' lef' half.
Jamaican Proverb
A closed mouth catches neither flies nor food.
Corsican Proverb
Who does not work will not get food.
Estonian Proverb
More flies mean more food.
Icelandic Proverb
Keeping yourself and your food clean, you'll get more from it.
Finnish Proverb
A little axe, when well used, brings lots of food.
New Zealander Proverb
Even food can attack.
New Zealander Proverb
If you are looking for a fly in your food it means that you are full.
South African Proverb
God gives birds their food, but they must fly for it.
Dutch Proverb
Before eating, always take time to thank the food.
Arapaho Proverb
Hide the mouthfuls of food.
Maasai Proverb
Happiness is as good as food.
Maasai Proverb
A dog knows the places he is thrown food.
Acholi Proverb
Words are sweet, but they never take the place of food.
Ibo Proverb
Food will last while the forests last.
Kashmir Proverb
The food which is prepared has no master.
Madagascan Proverb
If you watch your pot, your food will not burn.
Niger Proverb
Tasty food, plenty of food, food in the right time – and peace at mealtimes.
Scanian Proverb
The food is half the provisions, the rest is herring and potatoes.
Scanian Proverb
The most dangerous food to eat is a wedding cake.
Traditional Proverb