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Face Proverbs - page 4
A bee stinging a crying face.
Japanese Proverb
A rosy face in the morning, white bones in the evening.
Japanese Proverb
A buddha's face when asked three times.
Japanese Proverb
Even the Buddha's face, only until the third.
Japanese Proverb
Good luck in business is like the froth on an ox's face.
Japanese Proverb
To scrape the light off one's face.
Chinese Proverb
To know another is not to know that person's face, but to know that person's heart.
Chinese Proverb
Don't hit one on the face.
Chinese Proverb
Many a good face is under a ragged hat.
Chinese Proverb
The ungrateful son is a wart on his father's face; to leave it is a blemish, to cut it off is pain.
Afghan Proverb
The ungrateful son is like a wart on his father's face; to leave it there is unsightly, to cut it off is painful.
Afghan Proverb
A stern look is not a slap in the face.
African Proverb
Ashes will always blow back into the face of the thrower.
African Proverb
Don't look at the visitor's face but at his stomach.
African Proverb
Sometimes the face can tell what the lips can't say.
African Proverb
The frowning face of a goat doesn't prevent it being taken to market.
African Proverb
Ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them.
African Proverb
Affectation is a greater enemy to the face than smallpox.
American Proverb
The ass knows in whose face he brays.
American Proverb
A fair face may hide a foul heart.
American Proverb
A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
American Proverb
Let's face the facts and get at the root of trouble.
American Proverb