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Face Proverbs - page 2
Better to see the face than to hear the name.
Zen Proverb
A letter from the heart can be read on the face.
Swahili Proverb
A man with a sour face should not open a shop.
Japanese Proverb
In the eyes of a lover a pock-marked face is one with pretty dimples.
Japanese Proverb
Jizo's face when borrowing; emma's face when repaying.
Japanese Proverb
A face that never laughs betrays an evil heart.
Basque Proverb
Smack a tray of water and you get to wash your face.
Malay Proverb
If there is only bread and onions, still have a happy face.
Afghan Proverb
If you want to smear somebody's face with mud, be prepared to dirty your hands.
African Proverb
A beautiful face is a letter of recommendation.
American Proverb
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
American Proverb
Better face a danger once than be always in fear.
English Proverb
The joy of the heart makes the face fair.
English Proverb
Truth has a scratched face.
English Proverb
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
English Proverb
A welcome is a debtor's face.
Irish Proverb
I see by my daughter's face when the devil lays hold of my son-in-law.
Portuguese Proverb
Marry me forthwith, mother, for my face is growing wrinkled.
Portuguese Proverb
The envious man's face grows lean and his eye swells.
Portuguese Proverb
He who speaks to your face is not a traitor.
Italian Proverb
Have an open face, but conceal your thoughts.
Italian Proverb
Ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them.
Nigerian Proverb