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Short Proverbs - page 4
Wide lugs an a short tongue is best.
English Proverb
Wide ears and short tongue are the best.
English Proverb
A lie has short legs.
English Proverb
Anger is a short madness.
English Proverb
God bless him who pays visits -- short visits.
Arabic Proverb
A cursed cur should be short tied.
Danish Proverb
A little dog, a cow without horns, and a short man, are generally proud.
Danish Proverb
A short rest is always good.
Danish Proverb
Art is long and life is short.
Danish Proverb
Sparrows should not dance with cranes, their legs are too short.
Danish Proverb
No one is so tall that he never needs to stretch, and no one is so short that he never needs to stoop.
Danish Proverb
A borrowed horse and your own spurs make short miles.
Danish Proverb
Short flax makes long thread.
Danish Proverb
Better make a short circuit than to wet your hose.
Danish Proverb
Life at court is often a short cut to hell.
Danish Proverb
Truth gives a short answer, lies go round about.
German Proverb
The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.
German Proverb
Long foretold, long last; short notice, soon past.
German Proverb
A lie has short legs.
Portuguese Proverb
A long tongue betokens a short hand.
Portuguese Proverb
The tall one wouldn't bend; the short one wouldn't stretch and the kiss was lost.
Georgian Proverb
A mischievous dog must be tied short.
Italian Proverb