Proverbs around the world
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Short Proverbs - page 3
A day is long, but a lifetime is short.
Russian Proverb
The night's too short to warrant marrying poor.
Russian Proverb
A long tongue betokens a short hand.
Spanish Proverb
A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.
Spanish Proverb
Have a bill to pay at Easter, and your Lent will be short.
Spanish Proverb
A hungry stomach makes a short prayer.
Native American Proverb
Life is short and full of blisters.
African American Proverb
When a very short man causes the market to break up in a big fight, bystanders ask him to stand up so that they can see how short he really is.
Ibo Proverb
Short lived pleasure is the parent of pain.
Traditional Proverb
A short temper is a disadvantage.
Japanese Proverb
To go beyond is as bad as to fall short.
Chinese Proverb
Cursed cows have short horns.
Chinese Proverb
From the lowly perspective of a dog's eyes, everyone looks short.
Chinese Proverb
Going beyond is as bad as falling short.
Chinese Proverb
Fortune has a fickle heart and a short memory.
Chinese Proverb
It's not that the well is too deep, but rather the rope is too short.
Chinese Proverb
The tortoise said it wants to box, but its hand is too short.
African Proverb
The monkey is a good boxer, but his hands are short.
African Proverb
A short rope ties nothing.
African Proverb
A short man is not a boy.
African Proverb
A short person touches where he can reach.
African Proverb
A sharp stomach makes short devotion.
English Proverb