Proverbs around the world
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Short Proverbs
Nights of pleasure are short.
Lebanese Proverb
Lies legs are short.
Bulgarian Proverb
Life is short and time is swift.
English Proverb
It's better not to poke a jaguar with a short staff.
Portuguese Proverb
A man with trousers that are too short should wear long suspenders.
Jamaican Proverb
While the blanket is short, learn to bend.
Filipino Proverb
Happy hours are very short.
Vietnamese Proverb
An inch too short is as bad as an ell.
Dutch Proverb
'tis well that wicked cows have short horns.
Dutch Proverb
Life is short; but it barely takes a second to smile.
Cuban Proverb
Hold short services for minor Gods.
Nepal Proverb
Rising early makes the road short.
Senegalese Proverb
If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it's women's work.
Swahili Proverb
The way of a liar is short.
Swahili Proverb
Even when months and days are long, life is short.
Japanese Proverb
Even the elephant can fan off flies with its short tail.
Ghana Proverb
Long visits bring short compliments.
English Proverb
An insult is but a short garment: it reveals the one who wears it.
Arabic Proverb
The day of happiness is short.
Arabic Proverb
The rope of a lie is short.
Arabic Proverb
Where the lion's skin falls short, borrow of the fox.
German Proverb
Politeness travels on short fares.
German Proverb