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Walk Proverbs - page 3
The tavern is far, but I will walk carefully.
Ukrainian Proverb
Walk in the valley of our ancestors, learn of the history, and marvel at the beauty.
New Zealander Proverb
Falling teaches us to walk safely.
Dutch Proverb
All are not cooks that walk with long knives.
Russian Proverb
A mile walk with a friend has only one hundred steps.
Russian Proverb
The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
Russian Proverb
When the task accomplished, feel free to take a walk.
Russian Proverb
Restless feet may walk into a snake pit.
Ethiopian Proverb
She who does not yet know how to walk, cannot climb a ladder.
Ethiopian Proverb
Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.
Native American Proverb
May the Great Spirit walk with you.
Native American Proverb
Walk lightly in the spring; mother earth is pregnant.
Kiowa Proverb
As a crab walks, so walk its children.
Kpelle Proverb
When the leg does not walk, the stomach does not eat.
Mongo Proverb
Slowly, slowly, even an egg will walk.
Amharic Proverb
Little by little an egg will walk.
Amharic Proverb
If you can walk, you can dance; If you can talk, you can sing.
Sudanese Proverb
We do not walk on our legs, but on our will.
Sufi Proverb
Better to walk without knowing where than to sit doing nothing.
Tuareg Proverb
It is better to walk than curse the road.
Zambian Proverb
To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.
Zen Proverb
Sit, walk, or run, but don't wobble.
Zen Proverb