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Age Proverbs - page 2
Old age is a hospital that takes in all diseases.
English Proverb
What youth learns, age does not forget.
Danish Proverb
Care brings on grey hairs, and age without years.
German Proverb
Like blood, like means, and like age, make the happiest marriage.
German Proverb
What one is accustomed to in youth, one does in old age.
German Proverb
Sense doesn't come before age.
Irish Proverb
If Only youth had knowledge and old age ability.
Bulgarian Proverb
Gray hair is a sign of age, not of wisdom.
Greek Proverb
Old age and poverty are wounds that can't be healed.
Greek Proverb
If youth but knew and age but could do.
Italian Proverb
Old wine and friends improve with age.
Italian Proverb
Age and marriage tame the beast.
Haitian Proverb
The age of miracles is past.
Norwegian Proverb
Three comforts of old age: fire, tea and tobacco.
Welsh Proverb
Old age is a hundred disorders.
Welsh Proverb
Of all weights, old age is the heaviest.
Welsh Proverb
Old age comes not on its own.
Welsh Proverb
Who is a piece of stick in youth will be a block of wood in old age.
Estonian Proverb
Youth spent freely, old age spent in poverty.
Sicilian Proverb
Who fails to show restraint in their youth, will be miserable in their old age.
Sicilian Proverb
If you marry you'll suffer in your youth, if you don't marry you'll suffer in your old age.
Sicilian Proverb
A lazy youth, a lousy age.
Spanish Proverb