Proverbs around the world
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Age Proverbs
A man prolonging his age sees a camel giving birth.
Somali Proverb
Old age is not a joy, but death is not a gain.
Russian Proverb
For age and want save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day.
American Proverb
Intelligence is in the head, not in the age.
Azerbaijani Proverb
Age is honorable and youth is noble.
Irish Proverb
Age brings experience, and a good mind wisdom.
Greek Proverb
An eagle's old age is worth a sparrow's youth.
Greek Proverb
Old age will not come alone.
Welsh Proverb
Age does not give sense it only makes one go slowly.
Finnish Proverb
Gluttony and vanity grow with age.
Cuban Proverb
Old age devours your youth.
Kenyan Proverb
Cherish youth, but trust old age.
Native American Proverb
Man is like palm-wine: when young, sweet but without strength; in old age, strong but harsh.
African Congo Proverb
The real journey of discovery begins in old age.
Angolan Proverb
Having grey hair because of old age is not a shame.
Yemeni Proverb
The devil's wiser more on account of his age than on account of being the devil.
Ecuadoran Proverb
Old age cures us of our youth.
Japanese Proverb
There is no medicine against old age.
Ghana Proverb
Old age is ripeness.
American Proverb
Age and wedlock bring a man to his nightcap.
English Proverb
Age and wedlock tame man and beast.
English Proverb
An hour may destroy what an age was building.
English Proverb