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Rain Proverbs - page 4
The same rain that drenches the slave also drenches the slave driver.
Ibo Proverb
It is not the thunder that causes the rain.
Kashmir Proverb
Rain before seven, fine before eleven.
Lancastrian Proverb
St. Swithin's Day, if thou dost rain, for forty days it will remain; St. Swithin's Day, if thou be fair, for forty days 'twill rain no more.
Traditional Proverb
Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.
Traditional Proverb
The house-roof fights with the rain, but he who is sheltered ignores it.
Wolof Proverb
Whoever got clothes hang out does look fuh rain.
Bajan Proverb
There is no rain which does not enrich someone.
Bajan Proverb
The toad that wanted to avoid the rain fell in the water.
Bayansi Proverb
The frog knows more about the rain than the calendar.
Creole Proverb
If Candlemas day be sunny and bright, winter will have another flight; if Candlemas day be cloudy with rain, winter is gone and won't come again.
Darkovan Proverb
If in february there be no rain, 'tis neither good for hay nor grain.
Darkovan Proverb
The rain that is going to fall doesn't wet you.
Dominican Proverb
Life is like this: sometimes sun, sometimes rain.
Fijian Proverb
The farmer hopes for rain, the walker hopes for sunshine, and the gods hesitate.
Chinese Proverb
If rain bothers you, you can always jump into the sea.
Chinese Proverb
If there are no clouds there will be no rain.
Chinese Proverb
Like bamboo shoots after rain.
Chinese Proverb
A bird that prays for rain will find its self soaked.
African Proverb
A cloudy sky doesn't always cry rain.
African Proverb
Where rain has ever been trapped before when it rains again it will get trapped once again.
African Proverb
Where the rain falls there is no hunger.
African Proverb