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Rain Proverbs - page 3
Morning rain and women's tears dry as fast as each other.
Czech Proverb
If you are already wet, you won't care about the rain.
Romanian Proverb
Not every cloud brings rain.
Kurdish Proverb
The house roof fights the rain, but he who is sheltered ignores it.
Nigerian Proverb
Sometimes the rain might force a man more than once to seek shelter under the same tree.
Nigerian Proverb
From a big cloud comes little rain.
Lithuanian Proverb
When the rain fell at puuohaloa where were you.
Hawaiian Proverb
There is life in the rain.
Hawaiian Proverb
August rain brings oil, honey and must.
Sicilian Proverb
No rain without clouds.
Vietnamese Proverb
Interest on debts grow without rain.
Yiddish Proverb
After rain comes sunshine.
Dutch Proverb
All clouds do not rain.
Dutch Proverb
After rain comes fair weather.
Dutch Proverb
It's pleasant to look on the rain, when one stands dry.
Dutch Proverb
Those that dislike cats will be carried to the cemetery in the rain.
Dutch Proverb
Don't hope for rain or thunder, hope for an agronomist.
Russian Proverb
Rain falls alike on the just and the unjust.
Russian Proverb
Thunder is not yet rain.
Kenyan Proverb
One rain does not make a crop.
Native American Proverb
The rain falls on the just and the unjust.
Native American Proverb
The rain falls upon the just and the unjust.
Hopi Indian Proverb