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Rain Proverbs - page 2
The rain falls on only one roof.
Cameroon Proverb
The rain does not all fall on one roof.
Darkovan Proverb
The rain can only drown the mud-rabbit if he hasn't the wits to keep his mouth shut.
Darkovan Proverb
Clouds are the sign of rain.
Swahili Proverb
If every day was a sunny day, who would not wish for rain?
Japanese Proverb
He who is drowned is not troubled by the rain.
Chinese Proverb
Though God is almighty, he doesn't send rain from a clear sky.
Afghan Proverb
He ran out from under a leaking roof and sat in the rain.
Afghan Proverb
Clouds do not always mean rain, but smoke is a sure sign of fire.
African Proverb
The leopard that covers its black spots with hamaton dust solution will truly be exposed when the rain season comes.
African Proverb
He who is not beaten by the sun or the rain, will eventually be beaten by the hunger.
African Proverb
The sky does not rain gold or silver.
Arabic Proverb
A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain.
Arabic Proverb
He fled from the rain and sat down under the waterspout.
Arabic Proverb
When lazy horses begin to start, old women to dance, and white clouds to rain, there is no stopping them.
Danish Proverb
Blame it on the rain.
Danish Proverb
A meeting in sunlight is lucky, and a burying in the rain.
Irish Proverb
The drowning man is not troubled by rain.
Persian Proverb
Clouds that thunder seldom rain.
Hindi Proverb
Small rain lays a great wind.
Italian Proverb
Small rain lays great dust.
Italian Proverb
A cloak is not made for a single shower of rain.
Italian Proverb