Proverbs around the world
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Rain Proverbs
A little rain each day will fill the rivers to overflowing.
Liberia Proverb
A deaf man may not have heard the thunder but he surely will see the rain.
Malian Proverb
When the rain falls in the valley, the hill gets angry.
Yoruba Proverb
If it were ever to rain soup, the poor would only have forks.
Brazilian Proverb
Rain does not fall on one roof alone.
Cameroon Proverb
Rain beats on a leopard's skin, but it does not wash out the spots.
Ghana Proverb
The rain wets the leopard's spots but does not wash them off.
Ghana Proverb
Big thunder, little rain.
English Proverb
Thunder clouds do not always give rain.
Armenian Proverb
For crystal rain falls from black clouds.
Persian Proverb
Giving advice to the ignorant is like the rain falling on muddy ground.
Persian Proverb
Sun is for cucumbers, rain for rice.
Vietnamese Proverb
Rain does not stay in the sky.
Finnish Proverb
Rain falls on everyone, but one person gets wetter than the rest.
Rwandan Proverb
Help from abroad always comes when the rain has stopped.
Rwandan Proverb
The rain follows after the forest.
American Proverb
How beautiful to watch the rain and not get wet.
Mexican Proverb
Done in by his own trade like a water merchant in the rain.
Madagascan Proverb
Rocks need no protection from the rain.
Malawi Proverb
If the prayers of dogs were answered, bones would rain from the sky.
Moroccan Proverb
How lovely is the sun after rain, and how lovely is laughter after sorrow.
Tunisian Proverb
Loving someone that does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest.
West African Proverb