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Throw Proverbs - page 3
If you throw a handful of stones, one at least will hit.
Hindi Proverb
He was thrown into deep water.
Hungarian Proverb
He has stirred up, or threw a stone into, still water.
Hungarian Proverb
A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise cannot take out.
Hungarian Proverb
Don't throw your blanket in the fire just because it has one flea in it.
Romanian Proverb
God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest.
Swedish Proverb
A woman is like a lemon; you squeeze her and throw her away.
Maltese Proverb
You don't throw rocks at a green mango.
Haitian Proverb
Gold glitters in what is thrown away.
Icelandic Proverb
Every little helps to lighten the freight, said the captain, as he threw his wife overboard.
Dutch Proverb
It is only the tree loaded with fruit that the people throw stones.
French Proverb
A fool may throw into a well a stone which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
Russian Proverb
If you throw nettles into your neighbors garden you will find them growing in your own.
Russian Proverb
Do not throw a stone at the mouse and break the precious vase.
Spanish Proverb
He that marries a widow will often have a dead man's head thrown into the dish.
Spanish Proverb
When they fooled the chicken they threw her into a carrying basket.
Ethiopian Proverb
Try this bracelet: if it fits you wear it; but if it hurts you, throw it away no matter how shiny.
Kenyan Proverb
A dog knows the places he is thrown food.
Acholi Proverb
Two heads cut off and thrown high into the tree have only the winds with which to scheme.
Norse Proverb
Throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel.
Traditional Proverb
To forget is the same as to throw away.
Bajan Proverb
Throw the baby out with the bath water.
Canadian Proverb