Proverbs around the world
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Throw Proverbs
Do not throw the arrow which will return against you.
Kurdish Proverb
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
English Proverb
The hunter in pursuit of an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds.
Kiganda Proverb
If a woman sees a stick for beating her rival, she will throw it away in the woods.
Kiganda Proverb
If he has thrown the only spear he had at you, it means that he doesn't fear you.
Kiganda Proverb
Do not eat your chicken and throw its feathers in the front yard.
Liberia Proverb
The widow is just as fiery as the horse that threw her.
Malawi Proverb
All freight lightens, said the skipper, when he threw his wife overboard.
German Proverb
Don't throw out the dirty water until you have the clean water in.
Irish Proverb
Give me, mother, luck at my birth, then throw me if you will on the rubbish heap.
Bulgarian Proverb
A stone thrown at the right time is better than a stone thrown at the wrong time.
Persian Proverb
The mud that you throw will fall on your own head.
Persian Proverb
A stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time.
Persian Proverb
He who has a glass roof must not throw stones at his neighbour's.
Portuguese Proverb
Don't throw the handle after the bill.
Dutch Proverb
You cannot throw a word out of a song.
Russian Proverb
You can't throw a handkerchief over somebody's mouth.
Russian Proverb
Do good and throw it into the sea - if it is not appreciated by an ungrateful man, it will be appreciated by God.
Lebanese Proverb
If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones.
Egyptian Proverb
He whose house is made out of glass, shouldn't throw stones at people.
Egyptian Proverb
No matter how hard you throw a dead fish in the water, it still won't swim.
African Congo Proverb
Never throw the cat at the dog.
Netherlands Antillean Proverb