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River Proverbs
No one tests the depth of a river with both feet.
African Proverb
You cannot cross a river without getting wet.
African Zulu Proverb
The river is my brother for it carries my canoe.
Native American Proverb
Negotiate a river by following its bends, enter a country by following its customs.
Cambodian Proverb
Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly, but flooding the river.
Liberia Proverb
Listen to the sound of the river and you will get a trout.
Irish Proverb
As the wise man looks for a bridge the fool crosses the river.
Persian Proverb
You can never enter the same river twice.
Hindi Proverb
If you live in the river you should make friends with the crocodile.
Hindi Proverb
Sit on the bank of a river and wait: Your enemy's corpse will soon float by.
Hindi Proverb
A great river does not refuse any small streams.
Korean Proverb
Do not insult the mother alligator until after you have crossed the river.
Haitian Proverb
There's a crocodile in every big river.
Filipino Proverb
The horse went into the river.
Bulgarian Proverb
A thrashing river is a fisherman's bounty.
Bolivian Proverb
The water of the river flows on without waiting for the thirsty man.
Kenyan Proverb
Those who get to the river early drink the cleanest water.
Kenyan Proverb
If the river sounds, it's because it has water.
Mexican Proverb
Do not change horses in the middle of the river.
Native American Proverb
No matter how full the river, it still wants to swell more.
African Congo Proverb
Cross the loud river but don't cross the silent one.
Algerian Proverb
When the king reigns it is thanks to the people; when a river sings it's thanks to the stones.
Madagascan Proverb
Do not kick away the canoe which helped you to cross the river.
Madagascan Proverb