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Place Proverbs - page 4
A good place you don't go to is a good place: if you go too often, it isn't a good place any longer.
Swahili Proverb
A bird that imitates others does not get used to a place.
Swahili Proverb
Don't expect to be offered a chair when you visit a place where the chief himself sits on floor.
Ghana Proverb
He who governs by his moral excellence may be compared to the Pole star which abides in its place while all other stars bow towards it.
Chinese Proverb
Better be kind at home than burn incense in a far place.
Chinese Proverb
A good breakfast cannot take the place of the evening meal.
Chinese Proverb
If you stay long enough in one place the whole world passes you by.
Chinese Proverb
A person who has not secured a place on the floor should not begin to look for a mat.
African Proverb
If all snakes live together in one place who would approach them.
African Proverb
If you were in a place you take care of it has if it where yours.
African Proverb
Even when you dig a soft place, you still leave the garden.
African Proverb
A goat does not always graze in the same place.
African Proverb
Don't expect to be offered a chair when you are visiting a place where the chief sits on the floor.
African Proverb
Life is like a boat you move on when you paddle and stay in the same place if not.
African Proverb
A place for everything and everything in its place.
American Proverb
There's no place like home.
American Proverb
A rabbit is never caught twice in the same place.
American Proverb
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
American Proverb
The happiest place in the world to live is within one's income.
American Proverb
He quits his place well that leaves his friend there.
English Proverb
The darkest place is under the candlestick.
English Proverb
A woman's place is in the home.
English Proverb