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Master Proverbs - page 2
One can see it but must not say, when the master of a house passes excreta in a pot.
African Proverb
A jack of all trades is master of none.
English Proverb
Where every man is master the world goes to wreck.
English Proverb
The Spaniard is a bad servant but a worse master.
English Proverb
Fire is a good servant but a bad master.
German Proverb
He who serves the people has a bad master.
German Proverb
Let your purse be your master.
German Proverb
Apelles was not a master painter the first day.
Irish Proverb
Many a pupil has gained more wealth than his master.
Greek Proverb
What is another's always sighs for its master.
Portuguese Proverb
The master orders the man, the man orders the cat, and the cat orders her tail.
Portuguese Proverb
Jack is as good as his master.
Portuguese Proverb
The mad dog bites its master.
Portuguese Proverb
A drunk's ass has no master.
Portuguese Proverb
When the master has a cold the servants sneeze.
Polish Proverb
You are my guide, my lord, and my master.
Italian Proverb
He who eats pears with his master should not choose the best.
Italian Proverb
One eye of the master sees more than four eyes of his servants.
Italian Proverb
A wicked man's gift has a touch of his master.
Italian Proverb
He is master of another man's life who is indifferent to his own.
Italian Proverb
He who has a mate has a master.
Italian Proverb
He who serves the public has a sorry master.
Italian Proverb