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Sweet Proverbs - page 4
Sweet and sour walk hand in hand.
Efik Proverb
He who eats bitter things gets sweet things too.
Swahili Proverb
Eating is sweet, digging is weariness.
Swahili Proverb
The beginning of sin is sweet; its end is bitter.
Japanese Proverb
Better to drink the weak tea of a friend than the sweet wine of an enemy.
Chinese Proverb
For people who love even water is sweet.
Chinese Proverb
When men are friendly the water is sweet.
Chinese Proverb
With true friends . . . even water drunk together is sweet enough.
Chinese Proverb
The flowers in your garden don't smell as sweet as those in the wild, but they last much longer.
Chinese Proverb
A sweet lovely voice cannot make a dumb person talk.
African Proverb
Be aware of a man with a sweet tongue he can lead you to buying bad meat.
African Proverb
It's not the aroma of the soup that tells you whether it's sweet or not, but it's the tongue's taste.
African Proverb
The words of the wise become sweet the day after.
African Proverb
The sweet flying ants will never be birds.
African Proverb
Food gained by fraud tastes sweet to a man, but he ends up with gravel in his mouth.
African Proverb
No sweat, no sweet.
African Proverb
Be careful of the words you say each day, make sure each is nice and sweet, because may be in the days ahead, there will be some you'll have to eat.
African Proverb
Sweet and sour walk hand in hand.
African Proverb
Half an orange tastes as sweet as a whole one.
American Proverb
Not everything forbidden is sweet.
American Proverb
Sweet are the uses of adversity.
English Proverb
If patience is sour then its result is sweet.
Arabic Proverb