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Son Proverbs - page 4
Easier to rule a nation than a son.
Chinese Proverb
Runaway son, a shining jewel; runaway daughter, tarnished.
Chinese Proverb
The ungrateful son is a wart on his father's face; to leave it is a blemish, to cut it off is pain.
Afghan Proverb
The ungrateful son is like a wart on his father's face; to leave it there is unsightly, to cut it off is painful.
Afghan Proverb
A father never resembles his son, it's the son that resembles the father.
African Proverb
A father voodoos with his son and a mother voodoos with her daughter.
African Proverb
If you know his father and grandfather, don't worry about his son.
African Proverb
First a daughter, then a son, and the family's well begun.
American Proverb
Gambling is the son of avarice and the father of despair.
American Proverb
My son's my son till he gets him a wife; my daughter's my daughter all of her life.
American Proverb
When a father praises his son, he flatters himself.
American Proverb
A son is a son 'till he gets him a wife; a daughter's a daughter all her life.
English Proverb
Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can.
English Proverb
A son is a son till he gets him a wife, but a daughter's a daughter the rest of your life.
English Proverb
When your son grows up, become his brother.
Arabic Proverb
Every son of Adam keeps hoping until he is carried away to his grave.
Arabic Proverb
Only a mother can understand the suffering of a son.
Arabic Proverb
The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot.
Danish Proverb
Better a daughter that has been slept on than a son who has been hanged.
Danish Proverb
Who leaves a son isn't really dead.
Danish Proverb
A king's son is not nobler than his food.
Irish Proverb
May you have a bright future – as the chimney sweep said to his son.
Irish Proverb