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Son Proverbs - page 3
At borrowing cousin german, at repaying son of a whore.
French Proverb
Clever father, clever daughter; clever mother, clever son.
Russian Proverb
Don't blame your wife's side if your son is cross-eyed.
Russian Proverb
After all, every man is the son of a woman.
Russian Proverb
God grant you good fortune, my son, for knowledge avails you little.
Spanish Proverb
After a thrifty father, a prodigal son.
Spanish Proverb
Every man is the son of his own works.
Spanish Proverb
God give you luck, my son, for little wit must serve your turn.
Spanish Proverb
God grant, dear wife, that this son be ours.
Spanish Proverb
Foreign bread is good for your son.
Mexican Proverb
Whichever son is able should bury his father. The first son did not kill him.
Ibo Proverb
The son of a klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade.
Klingon Proverb
Sorrow for the death of a father lasts six months; sorrow for a mother, a year; sorrow for a wife, until another wife; sorrow for a son, forever.
Sanskrit Proverb
If you do something wrong to me, I forgive you. But I know that someday God will make you hit the son of a chief on the head. Then the chief will punish you.
Sudanese Proverb
The son of a zebra also has stripes.
Sukuma Proverb
There is not the son of the front and the son of the back.
Bajan Proverb
The son of the leopard scratches like its mother.
Bajan Proverb
If a father does not cultivate, the son does not inherit land.
Ekonda Proverb
He who enjoys the first fruit of a country is son of that country.
Swahili Proverb
A dog won't forsake his master because of poverty; a son never deserts his mother because of her homely appearance.
Chinese Proverb
Eighteen daughters beautiful as goddesses are not as good as one crippled son.
Chinese Proverb
Teach your son in the front garden and your wife on the pillow.
Chinese Proverb