Proverbs around the world
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Son Proverbs
A good son makes a good husband.
American Proverb
The son of an old man is an orphan, and his wife is a widow.
Lebanese Proverb
A man without passion is no son of Adam.
Persian Proverb
Like father, like son.
English Proverb
One son is no son, two sons is no son, but three sons is a son.
Russian Proverb
The son shoots a leopard; the father is proud.
African Congo Proverb
Everybody loves a fool, but nobody wants him for a son.
Ivorian Proverb
A bad son gives his mother a bad name.
Ivorian Proverb
As long as I am running my father will still have a son.
Brazilian Proverb
An ungrateful son is a wart on his father's nose. If he leaves it, it's ugly. If he removes it, it hurts.
Persian Proverb
Alas for the son whose father went to heaven.
Portuguese Proverb
Only two things matter in this world: a son and a daughter.
Hindi Proverb
If they don't exchange a few words, father and son will never know one another.
Hindi Proverb
The father may well be a horse, but it's most likely that the son will be a mule.
Tibetan Proverb
A father deserted by a wise son is like being caught in a shower without a felt.
Tibetan Proverb
He that does not bring up his son to some honest calling and employment brings him up to be a thief.
Jewish Proverb
Many a good father has but a bad son.
Vietnamese Proverb
When the father has eaten too much salt in his lifetime, then his son thereafter will have a great thirst.
Vietnamese Proverb
The son of a son is dear, the son of a daughter a stranger.
Lebanese Proverb
Everyone is the son of his own works.
Mexican Proverb
A mother has little love for a son who did not give her pain.
Venezuelan Proverb
When a son attends to his father, it is a twofold joy for both; when wise things are prescribed to him, the son is.
Egyptian Proverb