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Falls Proverbs - page 2
When your neighbor's horse falls into a pit, you should not rejoice at it, for your own child may fall into it too.
Yoruba Proverb
No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.
Zen Proverb
As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.
Bedouin Proverb
The rain falls on only one roof.
Cameroon Proverb
He who falls victim to his enemies can expect no mercy.
Ghana Proverb
After Falling, The ladder falls on you.
Malay Proverb
Whether the knife falls on the melon or the melon on the knife, the melon suffers.
African Proverb
A ripe melon falls by itself.
African Proverb
When there is a misunderstanding between the left leg and right leg the entire body falls down.
African Proverb
An arrow shot upright falls on the shooter's head.
English Proverb
Hasty climbers have sudden falls.
English Proverb
Where the lion's skin falls short, borrow of the fox.
German Proverb
As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
German Proverb
Truth stands when everything else falls.
Irish Proverb
He who falls today. may rise tomorrow.
Irish Proverb
The apple falls on the head that's under it.
Irish Proverb
When the sky falls, we'll all catch larks.
Irish Proverb
A tree falls the way it leans.
Bulgarian Proverb
The fox falls into the trap only once.
Bulgarian Proverb
The fox that waits until the chicken falls from the perch dies from hunger.
Greek Proverb
A horse falls though he has four legs.
Italian Proverb
No pear falls into a shut mouth.
Italian Proverb