Proverbs around the world
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Hundred Proverbs - page 4
A hundred men can make an encampment, but it requires a woman to make a home.
Dutch Proverb
Two communists lead three hundred unaffiliated.
Russian Proverb
A fool may throw into a well a stone which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
Russian Proverb
A jug that has been mended lasts two hundred years.
Russian Proverb
A mile walk with a friend has only one hundred steps.
Russian Proverb
One road for the fugitive and a hundred for the pursuer.
Russian Proverb
The thief makes perhaps one mistake; those he stole from made a hundred.
Russian Proverb
What comes out of one mouth goes into a hundred others.
Russian Proverb
A solitary ox shits more than a hundred swallows.
Spanish Proverb
He that makes one basket can make a hundred.
Spanish Proverb
A hundred tailors, a hundred millers, and a hundred weavers, are three hundred thieves.
Spanish Proverb
A man in love schemes more than a hundred lawyers.
Spanish Proverb
A hundred years hence we shall all be bald.
Spanish Proverb
A hungry man discovers more than a hundred lawyers.
Spanish Proverb
Better to blush once than pale a hundred times.
Serbian Proverb
One foe is too many and a hundred friends are too few.
Native American Proverb
Us and russians – two hundred millions.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
It will be all the same in a hundred years.
Traditional Proverb
The spirit of a three-year-old lasts a hundred years.
Japanese Proverb
The soul of a three year old until a hundred.
Japanese Proverb
He who would go a hundred miles should consider ninety-nine as halfway.
Japanese Proverb
A wild goose may be worth a hundred pieces of gold, but you first have to spend three pieces of gold to buy an arrow.
Japanese Proverb