Proverbs around the world
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Hundred Proverbs - page 2
You cannot stop a whore, not even with a hundred horses.
Gypsy Proverb
A hundred aunts is not the same as one mother.
Sierra Leonean Proverb
Better a devil you know than a hundred strangers.
South American Proverb
One hundred alcoholics are better than one gambler.
Tunisian Proverb
One coin saved, a hundred losses.
Japanese Proverb
There are old men of three years old and children of a hundred.
Japanese Proverb
May you live up to one hundred years and i up to ninety-nine.
Japanese Proverb
Sparrows, though they live to be a hundred, do not forget their dance.
Japanese Proverb
The matchmaker always asks for too much money for his eight hundred lies.
Japanese Proverb
When water goes over your head, what difference if it's one fathom or a hundred fathoms.
Afghan Proverb
He has soaked a hundred heads, but hasn't shaved one.
Afghan Proverb
Our bread today is better than a hundred in the air.
American Proverb
All be the same in a hundred years.
English Proverb
He makes a hundred knives, none of which has a handle.
Arabic Proverb
Better a hundred enemies outside the house than one inside.
Arabic Proverb
Revenge of an hundred years old hath still its sucking teeth.
German Proverb
A hundred years of wrong do not make an hour of right.
German Proverb
Abroad one has a hundred eyes, at home not one.
German Proverb
One foe is too many, and a hundred friends are too few.
German Proverb
Three hundred ravens are scattered by one stone.
Bulgarian Proverb
He that has a hawk has three hundred partridges.
Bulgarian Proverb
He who makes one basket can make a hundred.
Portuguese Proverb