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Everyone Proverbs - page 5
Everyone speaks well of the bridge which carries him over.
Chinese Proverb
From the lowly perspective of a dog's eyes, everyone looks short.
Chinese Proverb
Heavenly music is interpreted differently by everyone.
Chinese Proverb
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
Chinese Proverb
Despise learning and make everyone pay for your ignorance.
Chinese Proverb
The main road is an easy way, but everyone loves the side streets.
Chinese Proverb
Getting only a beautiful woman is like planting a vine on the roadside everyone feeds on it.
African Proverb
The evil everyone does lives after him or her.
African Proverb
She is beautiful; she has love, understands; she respects herself and others; everyone likes, loves and honours her; she is a goddess.
African Proverb
Death is like a dress that, at some point or another, everyone has to wear.
African Proverb
Almost everyone is mad but some people can control there madness.
African Proverb
When a man is down, everyone runs over him.
American Proverb
Everyone for himself.
American Proverb
Everyone has his master.
American Proverb
Everyone knows where his shoe pinches.
American Proverb
Everyone prefers his own.
American Proverb
Everyone is weary: the poor in seeking, the rich in keeping, the good in learning.
English Proverb
When everyone takes care of himself, care is taken of all.
English Proverb
When the judge's mule dies, everyone goes to the funeral; when the judge himself dies, no one does.
Arabic Proverb
To everyone his own is not too much.
German Proverb
In the land of the cripple everyone thinks he walks straight.
German Proverb
Where everyone goes, the grass never grows.
German Proverb