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Everyone Proverbs - page 4
Everyone loves the tree that gives him shelter.
Russian Proverb
Everyone admires his own character.
Turkish Proverb
Each to his own and God watching over everyone.
Spanish Proverb
A rule isn't unfair if it applies to everyone.
Spanish Proverb
The first camel in the train holds everyone up, but it is the last which gets the beating.
Ethiopian Proverb
Everyone is the age of their heart.
Guatemalan Proverb
From the fallen tree everyone makes firewood.
Mexican Proverb
The lion believes that everyone shares his state of mind.
Mexican Proverb
If you would be a good judge, pay attention to what everyone says.
Mexican Proverb
Everyone has their own way of killing fleas.
Mexican Proverb
Everyone who is successful must have dreamed of something.
Native American Proverb
Everyone will sit on a little donkey.
Yugoslav Proverb
Death's ladder is there for everyone to climb.
Akan Proverb
If everyone thought the same way, no goods would ever be sold.
Libyan Proverb
The mind is like a bag; everyone has one.
Ibo Proverb
Everyone cut the grass. Cut the grass. Let no one call the others 'Prisoners'.
Ibo Proverb
It may not pay to weigh everyone in the same scales.
Kashmir Proverb
Everyone encounters tribbles occasionally.
Klingon Proverb
If everyone helps to hold up the sky, then one person does not become tired.
Tshi Proverb
No one will say, "My father is incontinent." Everyone will say, "He is a man of advice and wisdom."
Tunisian Proverb
Excuses are like as*holes, everyone has one, and they all stink.
Us Marine Proverb
Everyone pushes a falling fence.
Chinese Proverb