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Hands Proverbs - page 4
One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it.
Kashmir Proverb
Indecision is like the stepchild: if he doesn't wash his hands, he is called dirty; if he does, he is wasting the water.
Madagascan Proverb
She is as undecided as an orphan: if she does not wash her hands, she will be told that she is a dirty child; if she washes her hands she will be told that she is wasting water.
Madagascan Proverb
From the tree of silence hands the fruit of tranquility.
Peruvian Proverb
Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
Puritan Proverb
All we can hold in our cold dead hands is what we have given away.
Sanskrit Proverb
The bush fowl saw the chicken being carved up and laughed. The chicken told the bush fowl to stop laughing. For the same hands now carving up the chicken would be used to carve up the bush fowl.
Sudanese Proverb
In the end, the well being of the pono, will be in the hands of the commoner.
Tahitian Proverb
Wash your hands often, your feet seldom, and your head never.
Traditional Proverb
If you really love something, your fate is in its hands.
Tupur Proverb
De devil does find work for evil hands to do.
Bajan Proverb
The mouth does not eat if the feet do not walk and the hands work.
Bakusu Proverb
Every wise woman builds her house: but the fool plucks it down with her hands.
Biblical Proverb
Too many hands will row the boat up a mountain.
Japanese Proverb
You cannot handle fire with your hands.
Kanuri Proverb
If life is fulfilled we go away with empty hands.
Chinese Proverb
A thief has more than two hands.
Chinese Proverb
Flowers leave a part of their fragrance in the hands that bestow them.
Chinese Proverb
You cannot handle fire with your hands.
African Proverb
A man who lives on the banks of the Niger should not wash his hands with spittle.
African Proverb
The monkey is a good boxer, but his hands are short.
African Proverb
The mouth does not eat if the feet do not walk and the hands work.
African Proverb