Proverbs around the world
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Lose Proverbs - page 4
He who becomes blind in his old age does not lose his way.
Swahili Proverb
Even if you hide yourself from the world, don't lose sight of your real nature.
Japanese Proverb
You will never lose a battle if you know your own situation as well as that of the enemy.
Chinese Proverb
He who has nothing to lose is rich.
Chinese Proverb
Pick up a sesame seed only to lose a watermelon.
Chinese Proverb
It takes a year to make a friend, but you can lose one in an hour.
Chinese Proverb
Look for a thing until you find it and you'll not lose your labor.
Chinese Proverb
Win your lawsuit and lose your money.
Chinese Proverb
Deviate an inch, lose a thousand miles.
Chinese Proverb
Win a cat and lose a cow -- the consequence of litigation.
Chinese Proverb
If you are too shy to ask, you might lose your way. When you go away, the conversation changes.
Malay Proverb
A diamond doesn't lose its value due to lack of admiration.
African Proverb
When you lose on the drum-beating if the Gods, you lose on the rhythm and pace of life.
African Proverb
Use people who have something to gain, not people with nothing to lose.
African Proverb
Never lose heart because whatever is hot must in the end turn cold.
African Proverb
When a new saying gets to the land of empty men they lose their heads over it.
African Proverb
Don't be stupid to replace wisdom with knowledge because you will lose understanding.
African Proverb
Candour will lose you some friends, but not as many as deceit.
American Proverb
Better lose a jest than a friend.
American Proverb
Better to risk a little than to lose the whole.
American Proverb
It's easier to lose faith than to find it again.
American Proverb
Make a loan and lose a friend.
American Proverb