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Fear Proverbs - page 4
Fear the man who fears you.
Hasidic Proverb
Lies are usually caused by undue fear of men.
Hasidic Proverb
If you conduct yourself properly, then fear no one.
Iraqi Proverb
Fear is power.
Klingon Proverb
Only fools have no fear.
Klingon Proverb
May your enemies run with fear.
Klingon Proverb
A knife does not fear thorns, a woman fears man.
Mongo Proverb
One can not stop sleeping in fear of bad dreams.
Amharic Proverb
One sent by a woman does not fear death.
Amharic Proverb
Never fear the sea, fear the storm.
Tahitian Proverb
Ownership is to fear.
Traditional Proverb
Merit is often an obstacle to fortune; the reason is it produces two bad effects, envy and fear.
Traditional Proverb
That fear may reach all, punish but few.
Traditional Proverb
Fear a silent man. He has lips like a drum.
Yoruba Proverb
Who created thunder does not fear it.
Bahunde Proverb
Who has shoes does not fear thorns.
Ewe Proverb
The fear of God is not wearing a white turban.
Swahili Proverb
Fear blows wind into your sails.
Japanese Proverb
All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws.
Chinese Proverb
Be frugal in prosperity, fear not in adversity.
Chinese Proverb
The man whose conscience is clear will never fear a knock on the door at midnight.
Chinese Proverb
People fool themselves. They pray for a long life but fear old age.
Chinese Proverb