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Fear Proverbs - page 3
Better to fear than to be frightened.
Hungarian Proverb
Fear an ignorant man more than a lion.
Kurdish Proverb
It is the fear of what tomorrow may bring that makes the tortoise to carry his house along with him wherever he goes.
Nigerian Proverb
Fear and love do not go together.
Lithuanian Proverb
Good eyes don't fear smoke.
Lithuanian Proverb
Where there is no fear, there is no pity.
Estonian Proverb
Who grows up without fear will live without honour.
Estonian Proverb
The fear of death takes away the joy of living.
Ukrainian Proverb
Let me get over the lake, and I will have no fear of the brook.
Dutch Proverb
The thief has a chicken's heart - he sleeps in fear.
Russian Proverb
The naked don't fear robbery.
Russian Proverb
Fear the Greeks bearing gifts.
Russian Proverb
Fear the law not the judge.
Russian Proverb
Beat your own and others will fear you.
Russian Proverb
Fear does not empty tomorrow of its sadness; it empties today of its power.
Turkish Proverb
Before the time, great courage; when at the point, great fear.
Spanish Proverb
Fear and love never eat from the same plate.
Spanish Proverb
Fear guards the vineyard.
Spanish Proverb
The calves do not fear the horns of their mother.
Ethiopian Proverb
One has to face fear or forever run from it.
Native American Proverb
Do right and fear no man.
Native American Proverb
The growing millet does not fear the sun.
Acholi Proverb