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Fear Proverbs
If not for fear, sin would be sweet.
Jewish Proverb
The stupid fear fortune, the wise endure it.
Latin Proverb
Fear has big eyes.
Russian Proverb
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
English Proverb
If he has thrown the only spear he had at you, it means that he doesn't fear you.
Kiganda Proverb
The barking dog gives you no power -- it gives you fear.
Madagascan Proverb
Fear to let fall a drop, will always make you spill a lot.
Malawi Proverb
Fear a silent man. He has lips like a drum.
Benin Proverb
All temptations are found either in hope or fear.
English Proverb
A newborn baby has no fear of tigers.
Korean Proverb
Beggars fear no rebellion.
Dutch Proverb
The firm tree does not fear the storm.
Indonesian Proverb
Fear doesn't travel by donkey.
Mexican Proverb
Everyone is master of their own fear.
Mexican Proverb
Do not fear a stain that disappears with water.
Puerto Rican Proverb
All fear has much imagination and little talent.
Colombian Proverb
If you are wearing shoes, you don't fear the thorns.
Sudanese Proverb
Fear is no obstacle to death.
West African Proverb
A wise man does not lose his way, a brave man does not fear.
Japanese Proverb
Fear to let spill a drop and you will spill a lot.
Malay Proverb
Fear the person who doesn't fear God.
Afghan Proverb
Fear the worse.
Afghan Proverb