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Father Proverbs - page 4
No one will say, "My father is incontinent." Everyone will say, "He is a man of advice and wisdom."
Tunisian Proverb
A fair daughter's father has no ears.
Bajan Proverb
If a father does not cultivate, the son does not inherit land.
Ekonda Proverb
One father is better at caring for ten children than ten children are for one father.
European Proverb
Writing is the mother of eloquence and the father of artists.
Styrian Proverb
A husband of a mother is a father.
Swahili Proverb
The goodness of the father reaches higher than a mountain; that of the mother goes deeper than the ocean.
Japanese Proverb
Who teaches me for a day is my father for a lifetime.
Chinese Proverb
The emperor is the father of his people, not a master to be served by slaves.
Chinese Proverb
A father never resembles his son, it's the son that resembles the father.
African Proverb
A father voodoos with his son and a mother voodoos with her daughter.
African Proverb
The wise man is father of the fool.
African Proverb
If you know his father and grandfather, don't worry about his son.
African Proverb
If she can't dig or cook send her back to her father.
African Proverb
When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him.
African Proverb
If you have a poor father that is destiny; if you have a poor father-in-law, that is your mistake.
African Proverb
To become a father is easy, but to be a father is difficult.
American Proverb
As the baker, so the buns; as the father, so the sons.
American Proverb
Honour your father and your mother.
American Proverb
The child is the father of the man.
American Proverb
When a father praises his son, he flatters himself.
American Proverb
The wish is father to the thought.
English Proverb