Proverbs around the world
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Father Proverbs
Children have a hair of their father.
Belgian Proverb
Like father, like son.
English Proverb
The son shoots a leopard; the father is proud.
African Congo Proverb
They asked the mule who his father was.
Tunisian Proverb
Covetousness is the father of unfulfilled desires.
Yoruba Proverb
As long as I am running my father will still have a son.
Brazilian Proverb
One father can feed seven children, but seven children cannot feed one father.
Cameroon Proverb
Success has more than one father.
Lower Austria Proverb
A father maintains ten children better than ten children one father.
German Proverb
If he hasn't seen her/his father, he would claim to be a king.
Persian Proverb
If you're a reed-player, why did your father die of typhoid fever?
Persian Proverb
Treat your superior as a father, your equal as a brother, and your inferior as a son.
Persian Proverb
You only appreciate your father the day you become a father yourself.
Persian Proverb
Alas for the son whose father went to heaven.
Portuguese Proverb
If they don't exchange a few words, father and son will never know one another.
Hindi Proverb
Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.
Italian Proverb
The father may well be a horse, but it's most likely that the son will be a mule.
Tibetan Proverb
The wish is father to the thought.
Tibetan Proverb
A mother is gold, a father is a mirror.
Nigerian Proverb
Tell me who your father is, and I'll tell you who you are.
Filipino Proverb
Few are like father, no one is like mother.
Icelandic Proverb
Many a good father has but a bad son.
Vietnamese Proverb