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Sheep Proverbs - page 4
While wrangling over a quarter of pig, you can lose a flock of sheep.
Chinese Proverb
One day as a tiger is worth a thousand as a sheep.
Chinese Proverb
Do not allow the sheep to die for a halfpenny of tar.
Chinese Proverb
The quarrel of the sheep doesn't concern the goats.
African Proverb
The hyena sleeps with the sheep.
African Proverb
Never let a friend lie in your sheep farm he might get hungry.
African Proverb
If you haven't any sheep you won't know that a fox is a wild animal.
African Proverb
He is a fool whose sheep runs away twice.
African Proverb
Death devours lambs as well as sheep.
American Proverb
Every family has at least one black sheep.
American Proverb
Give me wool and tomorrow you will have a sheep.
Arabic Proverb
An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
Arabic Proverb
You may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
Danish Proverb
You cannot shear the sheep closer than the skin.
Danish Proverb
The cow is milked, not the ox; the sheep is shorn, not the horse.
Danish Proverb
One would rather be bitten by wolves than by sheep.
Danish Proverb
He that wants to hang a dog, says that it bites the sheep.
Danish Proverb
Many a sheep goes out woolly and comes home shorn.
Danish Proverb
God help the sheep when the wolf is judge.
Danish Proverb
A drunkard can be a sheep, a monkey or a lion.
Danish Proverb
One mangy sheep spoils a whole flock.
Danish Proverb
It is a bad sheep that is too lazy to carry its own fleece.
Danish Proverb