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Sheep Proverbs - page 3
Every sheep is hung by his own leg.
Kurdish Proverb
Noh care how boar hog try fi hide under sheep wool, ‘im grunt always betray ‘im.
Jamaican Proverb
During April rainfalls the pig gets butchered, the oxen gets fattened and the sheep laughs.
Sicilian Proverb
Coupled sheep drown one another.
Dutch Proverb
No sheep runs into the mouth of a sleeping wolf.
Dutch Proverb
They are fools whose sheep run away twice.
Dutch Proverb
The scabbier the sheep the harder it bleats.
Dutch Proverb
He howls with the wolves, and bleats with the sheep.
Dutch Proverb
On a small pretence the wolf devours the sheep.
Dutch Proverb
Counted sheep are eaten by the wolf.
French Proverb
The sheep that is too tame is sucked by too many lambs.
French Proverb
The sheep on the mountain is higher than the bull on the plain.
French Proverb
Make yourself a sheep and the wolf is ready.
Russian Proverb
A bleating sheep loses a bite.
Ethiopian Proverb
While the sheep bleats it loses its mouthful.
Belgian Proverb
You can shear a sheep many times but you can skin him only once.
Vermont Proverb
Black sheep of the family.
African American Proverb
One scabby sheep infects a thousand sheep.
Altay Proverb
Every sheep is hung by its own leg.
Palestinian Proverb
You might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.
Australian Proverb
The hyena sleeps with the sheep.
Burundi Proverb
It don't take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep.
Cowboy Proverb