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Sheep Proverbs - page 2
The sayings of the wise are like the sharp sticks that shepherds use to guide sheep.
African Proverb
How come that when I lost my sheep and could not find it, I was questioned; but the hyena who was found with the sheepskin is not questioned.
African Proverb
More lambs than sheep are slaughtered.
Albanian Proverb
A leap year is never a good sheep year.
English Proverb
Let every sheep hang by his own shank.
English Proverb
Old sheep shouldn't dress in lamb's fashion.
English Proverb
If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow.
English Proverb
Shall the sheep go astray, they will be led by the ill goat.
Arabic Proverb
The sheep that bleat the most give the least milk.
Danish Proverb
It's a poor sheep that cannot carry its own wool.
German Proverb
A woman like a sheep, an affable friendly woman.
Irish Proverb
Outside a sheep, inside a wolf.
Greek Proverb
Your wife and sheep early at home.
Portuguese Proverb
Be peaceful yet vigilant - a sheep will bite someone without a stick.
Hindi Proverb
The wolf bemoans the sheep, and then eats it.
Italian Proverb
On every small pretext the wolf seizes the sheep.
Italian Proverb
A mild sheep is suck by every lamb.
Italian Proverb
All the sheep are not for the wolf.
Italian Proverb
Better to lose the wool than the sheep.
Italian Proverb
Every time the sheep bleats it loseth a mouthful.
Italian Proverb
It is better to give away the wool than the sheep.
Italian Proverb
One scabby sheep spoils a flock.
Italian Proverb