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Sheep Proverbs
He who becomes a sheep is eaten by the wolf.
Greek Proverb
Better one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep.
Italian Proverb
O, sheep if I do not eat you, you will eat me, said the hyena.
Ethiopian Proverb
Without the shepherd, sheep are not a flock.
Russian Proverb
The panther and the sheep never hunt together.
Ivorian Proverb
A poor man's sheep will never get fat.
Ivorian Proverb
A sheep does not lament the death of a goat's kid.
Kiganda Proverb
A sheep cannot bleat in two different places at the same time.
Tanzanian Proverb
One takes care of one's own: when a bachelor roasts yam, he share's it with his sheep.
Yoruba Proverb
There was never a scabby sheep in a flock that didn't like to have a comrade.
Irish Proverb
Rather lose the wool than the sheep.
Portuguese Proverb
Let every sheep hand by its own leg.
Portuguese Proverb
Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together.
Polish Proverb
Tis a silly sheep that confesses to the wolf.
Italian Proverb
Every flock has its black sheep.
Welsh Proverb
A wolf hankers after sheep even at his last gasp.
Dutch Proverb
The wolf is well pleased with the kick of a sheep.
Portuguese Proverb
Does sheep manure turn to caramel?
Egyptian Proverb
The sheep drinks but it's the goat that gets drunk.
Martinican Proverb
Such is the fate of the sheep: either shorn or roasted.
South American Proverb
When a merchant talks about sheep he means the hide.
Swiss Proverb
If the goat says it will become a sheep, there will always be black spots on its body.
Ghana Proverb